ORIGINAL MUSIC FOR FILM & TELEVISION • The finest writers, arrangers, and musicians
• Delivering inspired original music for television film, radio, video and internet
• Score to picture
Their creativity, professionalism and care, has brought our animations to life. Supplied with only rough video,
New Century wrote and orchestrated sound effects and music that was second to none. We can't wait to hear
the next video developed.Keyframe Productions (X-Men, Hugglers, Mutant X)
You're listening to our original music for film and televsion sampler:
1. Hugglers TV theme
2. “Liv” White Oaks Resort commercial
3. Home Beyond the Sun film Music
4. Thunder of the Water film music
5. Prime Pubs commercial
6. Maralee Dawn and Friends background TV spot
7. Hugglers background TV spot
8. Maralee Dawn and Friends closing TV theme